Sunday, September 9, 2012

Giuliana Comes Home! September 8, 2012

Miss Giuliana came home from the hospital yesterday, exactly 2 months old. She had her first breath of fresh air outside a hospital (not being inside an isolette during transport) and her first car trip. She had a great night (such a good baby) and Matt & I even got a fair amount of sleep.

Thank You So Much to all the wonderful Kaiser Nurses & Doctors who have given her such good care during her first 9 weeks. Matt & I are very grateful for all you have done.

Serafina should be coming home today.


  1. OMG... WOO HOOOOO! Miss Guliana Michelle... in her car seat... coming home!
    This is the most exciting news yet.
    Actually, every new day has the most exciting news yet! Love to Mom, Dad, Giuliana, Edison, and Sassy Belle Serafina, who may be coming home as we write!!! from G Grammie & Poppa Ray

  2. oh sweet darling - that aspirator is as big as her head! Congrats, so excited the kiddos are making their way home, slowly maybe, but healthy and happy!
